Ramsay Rodriguez

Fragen an Ramsay Rodriguez:

Why are you a Natural Bodybuilder
I always believed training Natural was best besides I always wanted to be different as a Bodybuilder To Stand Out as A Natural Bodybuilder- Achieve something special by building a good physique Naturally! 

When did you start training as a Natural Bodybuilder?
From the Very Begining when I was 15 years old I built a very good foundation by performing Powerlifting and Bodybuilding Training Methods from the begining. 

Do you practise as a Natural Bodybuilding-Coach?  

Yes!  I have my own Synergen3 Bodybuilding Team! I love coaching athletes and bodybuilders.

Have you or do you compete at Natural Bodybuilding Championships?
Click here to write your answer  I have w/ the INBA I competed at the World Championships in Loutraki- Greece  This is where i met Berend 

What was your best experience as a Natural Bodybuilding Athlete?
Having the Synergen3 Bodybuilding Team win the Team Award at the AAU World Championships

How do you think Natural Bodybuilding have influence to the society?
It has by creating and improving the Fitness Cultrue around the World!! 

Please name the activities how you play your part in making Natural Bodybuilding more popular? 
By providing a Bodybuilding Team, offering innovative training methods, judging bodybuilding contests, Offering a new innovative Supplment name Synergen3, I see myself as a ‘Ambassoder“ of the Sport of Natural Bodybuilding 

Do you have a life motto?

Yes!  My 12 grade Teacher taught me this:  ‘Perfer to be a Dreamer with visions to be realized that a Lord among people with no dreams or desires’  

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